Successfully created artificial brain like 99% real brain

Scientists at Ohio State University have succeeded in developing a near-complete human brain in the laboratory from stem cell tissue.

Successfully developed a human brain in the laboratory

Professor Rene Anand said that this artificial human brain is about the size of pencil eraser, which is like the brain of a 5-week-old fetus. However, it contains only 99% of the " real version " brain genes. To create this brain, scientists spend about 15 weeks and they will have to wait 16-20 weeks to complete 1% of the missing genes.

Picture 1 of Successfully created artificial brain like 99% real brain

For the purpose of further research on human neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, scientists have spent a lot of effort to create an artificial human brain to replace mouse brains. before.

Previous brain mouse experiments have not yielded really effective results for the study of these diseases. An artificial brain will allow testing of new drugs more quickly and accurately before a clinical test for genetic causes causes symptoms of central nervous system disorders.