Super computer scanners

US experts have successfully built computerized tomography machines capable of providing 3-dimensional images to an unprecedented level, and furthermore, to reduce radiation exposure to 80%.

Named Brilliance TC , this computed tomography scanner captures a large number of X-ray images and combines them with information technology to produce detailed images in detail. smallest.

According to the research group of Philips Medical Systems (USA), the technology of this machine has a much faster processing speed than current technologies. It can take 3D images of the whole heart after just 2 heartbeats, and it takes less than 1 minute to take a picture of the entire body.

These 3D images can be rotated and viewed from a variety of angles, helping physicians greatly detect abnormalities or illnesses. With Brilliance TC, the exchange of information between health professionals will become much easier, because the photos can be processed directly in hospitals or remotely handled by researchers.

Picture 1 of Super computer scanners

Brilliance TC can capture the whole heart after only 2 heartbeats (Photo: BBC)

Steve Rusckowski, executive director of Philips Medical Systems, said: ' This machine is specially designed to both produce high quality images, while helping patients with less exposure to X-rays during the shooting '.

Dr. Keith Prowse, Chairman of the British Lung Association, said: 'Brilliance TC's ability to operate has exceeded what we could do before. With high-resolution images, doctors will see small details more clearly, thereby improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment effectiveness'.

'Using this machine for cancer treatment, experts will determine the extent of cancer spread more accurately. The device will also help detect abnormal signs in the body for timely intervention.

This superior device has just been introduced at the North American Radiology Association and has only recently been used at Metro Health Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The cost of the machine is currently not reported.

Quang Thinh