Surprised with the decisive factor of the time of the Chinese imperial capital's impulse

Everyone wants to have the love of the emperor and produce healthy little princes. But this is a big harem place, how will the ancient emperors decide the nightly schedule?

It is said that the eunuch offers cards that give each room a room for the king to choose, but this way is hard to avoid biased, gossip.

In some documents, including the book "The Discoverers" by the famous historian Daniel Boorstin, the Chinese harem has long had a way of dividing marketing time according to certain rules, ensuring evenness higher up.

This division is based on the long-standing belief of Chinese and Asians in general: calculating the age and fate of the lunar calendar, associated with the moon's cycle !

Picture 1 of Surprised with the decisive factor of the time of the Chinese imperial capital's impulse
Chinese harem has long had a way of dividing marketing time according to certain rules.

The Chinese royal palace believes that women are most likely to conceive, especially on full moon nights, because at that time the female Yin will be the most powerful, ensuring a balance of harmony with the king's Yang. On those nights, the child who was formed also possessed a non-ordinary, outstanding temperament.

As a result, the queen or the noble will be favored next to the emperor on bright moon nights. Conversely, the time of the new moon will be for lower-order frequencies.

In addition, not only the East but also many other cultures associate the Moon with birth. For example, Diana in Roman mythology is both a hunting god and the Moon god is a god of fertility.

What about science, what do they say about the relationship between moon nights and reproduction?

There are a lot of hypotheses that are put in place: moon light will affect hormone melatonin - a factor that determines women's menstrual cycle. In the course of evolution, humans also interacted with moon nights for thousands of years; Because the moon night affects the activity of the body and the human brain . However, the number of studies on this issue is not much, so it is still in mystery.

Returning to the ancient Chinese palace, if the Qing Dynasty came to the last dynasty, it still adopted a method of dividing the time spent on the moon night , the South China Morning Post page estimated as follows:

Picture 2 of Surprised with the decisive factor of the time of the Chinese imperial capital's impulse
How to divide the marketing time by the moon night.

Every 15 nights, the Empress always "sure" 1 night. The royal noble (1 in-person), Phi Quy (2 in-person), Phi (4 in-person) will fight for 2 nights.

There are 12 other nights (or less) at the time when the moon is dim, it will be a fierce "stage" between the frequencies, you respond . The number of these women is not limited, sometimes up to hundreds, thousands of people.

In fact, from the lower level, many people do not have their own rooms but live together. Most of them could not be close to heaven and earth, forever confined to their four cold walls.