Survive in the driest desert in the world

South African photographer Hannes Lochner has two and a half years of working in the Kalahari desert, capturing many precious photographs and stories about this desert wilderness.

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Kalahari Desert is a land stretching 900,000 km 2 in South Africa, stretching over the territory of Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.

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The animals in Kalahari must constantly fight against the ruthless and hot predators of the desert, to survive.

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A part of the Kalahari, a semi-desert, will become a great grazing land after each rainy season, and there are many wildlife that live here.

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"I spent 800 days living in the Kalahari desert, which I love".

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"Photographers need to convey emotions in each picture and turn each picture into a story. That's what I'm trying to do."

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"In order to take pictures of the newspaper, it is necessary to choose the right time for one hour after sunset or early morning. At that time, the temperature will not damage the photos."

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"When I took a picture of these two mating lions, I had to lie down on the ground and was terrified. The lions had visited my camp for 5 nights during my time in the desert and I was 4 the clash with the lion ".

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Despite extreme weather conditions, over 40 degrees Celsius during the day and below 0 degrees Celsius at night, desert life is still very rich.

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"My golden rule is patience. I had to dress near the lagoon for two months just to get a picture of a pigeon hunting dog. It takes a lot of patience."

Picture 10 of Survive in the driest desert in the world

"Kalahari is not like the desert of Kruger Park National Park in South Africa has a lot of vegetation, it is the hardest, most arid sand desert in the world. In this land, there are only the most powerful species. I have witnessed many lions who have died from food scarcity.

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Picture 12 of Survive in the driest desert in the world

Picture 13 of Survive in the driest desert in the world

Source: Pravda