Sweep: 2 seconds see the object 2m away

Aoptix, a high-tech company in the United States, has invented the scarlet scanner capable of detecting objects at a distance of 2 meters in 2 seconds.

Picture 1 of Sweep: 2 seconds see the object 2m away
Aoptix wants the airports in the US to be used
Use red-light scanning technique to check security.

With only 2 seconds, the machine can sweep the passenger's pink to identify objects with a distance of 6 inches (equivalent to 1.83m). Aoptix expects the US Transportation Safety Administration to use this technique for security checks.

Aoptix began researching swelling redness techniques in 2000 and this week claimed that the company had achieved $ 42 million in copyright royalties. So far, Aoptix has earned $ 123 million in revenue.

Amanda North, spokesman for Aoptix, said the item had been used by the British Gatwick Airport and security inspectorate, but not in the United States. Aoptix hopes the United States will soon apply this technology at its domestic airports.