Video: The red glowing ball is suspected to be UFO in France

A couple in Paris recorded a large spherical object glowing red, appearing in the sky a few seconds and then disappearing.

According to the Mirror, the French couple initially thought the object was a traffic light. However, when using the close-up zoom mode, they found its position much higher than street lights.

Picture 1 of Video: The red glowing ball is suspected to be UFO in France
Red unidentified flying objects appear in France.(Photo taken from the clip).

This unidentified flying object (UFO) is red, flying zigzag a few seconds in the sky and disappearing into the darkness. The video was posted by UFO Sightings, a website dedicated to the mysterious and alien phenomena posted on YouTube yesterday.

The event took place just a day after the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) posted a video about a yellow object suspended in the Earth's atmosphere. Conspiracyists argue that this is a sign of aliens watching the planet.