Switzerland created the technology to kill potholes

Swiss researchers use magnetic nanoparticles to control the formation of potholes.

Researchers at the University of ETH Zurich, Switzerland, have developed anti-cracking technology to prevent the formation of potholes by magnetic nanoparticles, Reuters reported Aug. 14.

Picture 1 of Switzerland created the technology to kill potholes
The nanoparticle solution of the research team has been patented.

Magnetic nanoparticles are added to the asphalt to form a sugar mixture. The magnetic field is then used to connect the cracks . "The idea of this technology is to mix the nanoparticles into binders," says Etienne Jeoffroy, PhD student.

"The magnetic field heats the pathway through the nanoparticles before the asphalt enters the cracks." To fill the potholes, we mix some nanoparticles into the mixture and use the magnetic field in place to heat the adhesive. old and new materials , " explained Jeoffroy.

The new technology allows scientists to fix the formation of potholes. (Video: Reuters).

In order to be able to remove cracks and prevent potholes from forming, roads must be built entirely using a mixture of nanoparticles. Maintenance equipment equipped with a large magnetic field will activate this process once a year.

The nanoparticle solution of the research team has been patented. Scientists are looking for trade partners to scale up the system.