Laser lasers knock out and revive creatures

Scientists have created a Star Trek-type laser gun that can both kill and revive creatures. However, until now, the weapon, which uses a special kind of light, is used only for small worms, not life-threatening.

Picture 1 of Laser lasers knock out and revive creatures

Scientists have developed a type of Star Trek weapon that can both paralyze and worm out alive - Photo: American Chemical Society

Canadian researchers have given small pinhead-sized nails a solution containing dithienylethene molecules. This substance changes the molecular structure and color of the worms when they are exposed to different wavelengths of light. When scientists exposed ultraviolet light to these transparent worms, they turned blue and could not move. Then a normal light beam resurrected most of the worms although some of them did not survive the process.

Neil Branda, principal investigator at Simon Fraser University in Canada, says the technique is the same as being used in discolored glass that is capable of darkening in the sun but becoming brighter in normal light. At present, doctors use photosensitizers and light reactions where drugs are available to cure some forms of cancer and the study authors hope their work may be useful.

"We think it's important that we can turn on and off paralysis from insects," Branda said . But this technique opens up new opportunities for using light in medicine . "