Syphilis originated from Christopher Columbus?

In 1492, Columbus and his expedition sailed across the ocean in search of new lands. However, according to many documents, when Columbus and the crew returned, they brought a new disease called syphilis.

>>>The famous adventurer has spread diseases?

Syphilis is a disease caused by Treponema pallidum bacteria. If left untreated, it can cause damage to the heart, brain, eyes and bones, leading to death.

Syphilis outbreak first occurred in the Renaissance in 1495. Initially it appeared in the army of King Charles VIII when invading Naples. Later, it broke out and ravaged across Europe, said George Armelagos, a bone biologist with Emory University in Atlanta.

Picture 1 of Syphilis originated from Christopher Columbus?
Statue of Columbus in Lavagna, Genoa, Italy.

'Syphilis has been around for 500 years. Since the discovery, people have started arguing about where it came from. And its origins are still controversial , 'said researcher Molly Zuckerman of Mississippi State University.

Armelagos initially suspected the so-called "Columbus theory of syphilis". 'I feel very funny when people think that the crew has brought this deadly disease to Europe,' he recalls.

Later, the results of the study of 50 skeletons from Europe date back to the time before Columbus set sail over the ocean, suggesting that the disease had existed for a millennium earlier. Therefore, people cannot blame Columbus.

Recently, 16 analysis reports found signs of syphilis coming from coastal areas where seafood makes up a large part of the diet of the people here, containing 'carbon old ' from the sea bottom.

Scientists have found that the number of seafood these individuals have eaten while alive and as a result 'all skeletons show clear signs of treponema- induced twisting disease , which occurs later. when Columbus returned to Europe , "evolutionary biologist Kristin Harper added.