Taipei 101 Building can cause ... earthquakes

Picture 1 of Taipei 101 Building can cause ... earthquakes A Taiwanese seismologist has just released a study that said the world's tallest building in Taiwan could now cause earthquakes to damage lower houses near it. The funny thing is that this building is designed to withstand extreme earthquakes.

Lin Cheng-horng, a famous earthquake researcher from Taiwan National University, said that the Taipei building (101 floors, 512 meters high) and weighs about 700,000 tons could cause seismic The action is similar to earthquakes in lands near it.

Lin commented that this Taipei 101 superstructure could create seismic attacks at many unforeseen levels for the surrounding area. It took Mr. Lin about a year to study this strange topic after noting a few minor seismic events that occurred in the area around this horribly tall and heavy building.

Super Taipei 101 building is designed like a glass bamboo shoots and steel straight into the sky looks spectacular and spectacular. The building is equipped with a 733-ton steel ball suspended in the gut of the building to help the building resist earthquakes or strong winds.

Earthquakes also often occur in Taiwan. The vast majority of earthquakes did not cause any significant damage, but the 7.6-magnitude earthquake that occurred in September 1999 in central Taiwan killed 2,300 people.