Teach robots to read

Scientists are trying to teach robots to read text so they can see and understand signage, store names, and so on. Experts believe that this work has become easier with computers able to send scans. from books to regular characters.

Picture 1 of Teach robots to read
Ninomiya Kun knows how to read. (Internet photos)

A team of robotic researchers called Marge , equipped with OCR optical character recognition and reading software. They hope this technique will help robots work more effectively. For example, when walking inside buildings, they recognize the signs to work correctly.

The prototype versions were originally equipped with electronic dictionaries and spell checker software so that robots could read scrawled, sloppy, unclear scripts. Daily Mail quoted Dr Ingmar Posner, robotics expert at Oxford University, said the robot could read a technical step is very important.

However, robots are being " taught " but still pretty idiot. They can not read what is not text and can not read the text on a curved surface. OCR software still needs to be developed more fully. One of the successes of the Marge robot is that it scans the characters on electronic news websites, understands the context and understands the meaning of the page. It also reads announcements from Barclays Bank and Strada Restaurant.

The research program is being continued by Dr. Posner with the collaboration of Peter Corke and Gregory Dudek.

Watch video robot Ninomiya Kun reading.