Techniques for growing jackfruit with superior yield

Techniques for growing high-tech jackfruit trees for high productivity need to be fully equipped with care.

High-tech jackfruit is a native jackfruit that is familiar to Vietnamese people. Jackfruit for citrus is thick, crunchy and sweet, not only suitable for eating ripe but also very suitable for drying jackfruit, so it is easy to consume in the market. In particular, this jackfruit is superior not only in productivity but also quite simple in planting techniques.

Picture 1 of Techniques for growing jackfruit with superior yield

The planting of jackfruit trees

The best time to plant jackfruit is at the beginning of the rainy season in May to July. If active water sources can be planted earlier, even grown year round.

A fairly favorable feature for jackfruit growers is jackfruit tree with roots deeply planted in the soil, can be grown on all terrain and has good wind and drought tolerance. It grows in poor nutrient lands and harsh climatic conditions. Except for areas that are flooded, alum or salty.

Plant variety standards

Standard varieties of high-tech jackfruit produced with a diameter greater than 0.8 cm higher than 30cm (from the graft). The root system thrives, the leaves are old. Good adapter.

High-tech jackfruit cultivation techniques

Jackfruit is an easy-to-grow plant grown in many places. If grown massively, it must comply with the appropriate technical process to lower investment costs, bringing the highest economic efficiency. The soil is so barren so it is thick and good so it should be planted sparsely.

Currently, people tend to grow thick to increase production and shorten the payback period, then apply pruning or pruning. If you intend to grow jackfruit with thick density, you should leave it 5m from the tree, 6m from the row.

Take care of jackfruit

Taking care of high-tech jackfruit needs attention to watering during the new planting period. If irrigated too flooded, to dry plants easily wilt, but still have to ensure watering every 2-3 days, then, can irrigate 4-5 days / time but at a moderate level. Should pay attention to checking the stumps of standing water, they must be covered with tissue in the base, or slowly drained, to make drainage ditches in time.

The technology is left all year round, but only for two crops per year, it is necessary to prune off the top branches and upper stalks so that the trees have a rest time. Normally, trees with height of about 1m or more start pruning, in the early stages of pruning, they can spread 2-3 times / year, helping the plants to grow balancedly.

Fertilizing for jackfruit trees is quite important because if not fertilized even if the tree is still alive but slow to develop, flowering is late, little or no fruit and if there are fruits of low quality, it is easy to generate pests and diseases.