Techniques for growing Taiwanese guava in simple, high-yield pots

Guava tree is a tree favored by people because of its crispy, sweet and sweet fruit. The technique of growing Taiwanese guava trees in pots gives the people of the city a quick way to harvest.

Guidance on techniques for planting Taiwanese pear guava in pots

Guava is not only a delicious and popular fruit of Vietnamese people but also has many uses: skin beauty, high blood pressure prevention, cough suppression, cancer prevention, diabetes treatment . If before It is not until 2-3 years to plant a guava tree, but now it is easy to grow Taiwan 6-12 months with the technique of growing Taiwanese pear guava.

Choose land and choose pots to grow guava trees

Guava trees are generally not picky, however, because they are grown in pots, it should be noted that it is necessary to select soil to grow soft and well-drained plants and add organic fertilizer, so it is best to choose vermicompost for roots. suffer from fungal disease. It is possible to mix the growing price of guava tree with the ratio of rice husk ash, coconut fiber, raw rice husk, vermicompost manure 2: 0.5: 0.5: 1.

Picture 1 of Techniques for growing Taiwanese guava in simple, high-yield pots
With the technique of growing Taiwanese pear guava in pots, just plant about 6-12 months to give it

Choose pots to grow guava trees at home must have a relatively enough size for regular fruit trees, choose pots or plastic containers DS with a diameter of 30-40cm diameter , height of pots from 35-50 cm , pots The bigger the tree, the bigger the branches. Put soil to plant 2/3 pots, then plant guava trees in the same way, remember to remove the plastic layer of root bags, insert them tightly around the neck of the tree to prevent the trees from wobbling when watering.

Choose guava tree varieties

For the guava tree to grow in pots quickly, it is recommended to choose seedlings from the stem extract , from planting into the pot to the fruit takes only 4-6 months. However, the seedlings from this source are aging and degenerating because the seedlings have old age as the mother tree. If you plant guava trees with seeds, it takes 3-4 years for fruits and longer harvesting time.

How to take care of guava tree to plant pots at home

About 15-20 days is the guava tree has just planted in the pot will take root and stab new leaves, when you see the young leaves are old, then start adding NPK fertilizer 16.16.8 about teaspoon and about two tablespoons surper, all For spraying around soil outside the guava root, water sufficiently after fertilizing. Every month, apply once a day a soil layer of vermicompost 2-3 cm into the pelvic surface (at the beginning of the month) and a little of inorganic fertilizer as above in the middle of the month.

No more inorganic nitrogen fertilizers like urea, SA will make guava trees only green leaves but not fruits. The guava tree in the pot needs to be fully watered to ensure the plants are moist and the roots are not dehydrated, in case of water shortage, guava trees are prone to deciduous and dry branches.

Pruning to create canopy and cut off small fruits to feed large fruits

For the guava tree to concentrate on nourishing nutrition, it is necessary to cut off when the fruit is just pictured, leaving only one fruit on a branch (preferably left near the main stem). If the guava tree is large with a big root, it is possible to leave many fruits around the main body or large branch.

If guava plants are grown at home for one year, they will start pruning to create healthy trees. For the guava tree to produce many fruits, it is necessary to prune the branches to create a canopy for healthy trees with the most branches.

Picture 2 of Techniques for growing Taiwanese guava in simple, high-yield pots
Taiwanese avocado is a plant that grows and thrives, leaves and leaves all year round, good resistance to pests and diseases

When the guava tree begins to turn into small fruits, then pruned and cut the fruit to support the remaining guava fruit quickly, each branch only has 1-2 left inside near the main body, cutting off the off-season. Each guava tree in potted plants should feed from 3-4 fruits.

If left too much on the tree, there is not enough nutrition, guava fruit is easily lost. When the guava tree for a few rounds left and see the phenomenon of trees start to weaken the leaves, the leaves are smaller then proceed to trim down the canopy, fully fertilize the guava tree to start the new round. When you see the guava tree is too big compared to the existing pots, you have to repot larger , new guava grows well.

Principles for pruning branches to create crowns for guava trees to plant pots

Cut off the dry branches of pests and diseases, weak branches inside without light to clear the canopy and make sure the branches are full of sun to photosynthesize. After each harvest, proceed to apply the original and pruning branches to reduce the canopy of guava trees, not to cut into the level 2 branches, just click the 3rd branch branch.

From an initial branch after pruning will appear two new buds, from this bud will give the new pair. Note to keep pressing tops to create canopy frames for guava trees to grow in the shape of mushrooms. When guava trees have many branches, the need for watering fertilizer must increase with the size of the tree , from which guava trees can afford many fruits.

Pest and disease prevention

Guava trees grown in pots at home are rarely attacked by pests, only when fruits are left need to be covered with plastic bags to avoid being sucked by rotten flies. Can use biological pesticides or garlic and chili water sprayed for guava trees to ward off insects that do not come close. How to grow guava trees in pots at home is not difficult, suggest that women care to enjoy the taste of delicious guava fruit by themselves.