How to grow vegetables in foam containers at home

Thanks to easy planting techniques and high nutrient content, vegetables are grown in many places and all year round. People can take advantage of barrels and pots in the house to save yard and garden area.

Picture 1 of How to grow vegetables in foam containers at home The techniques of growing vegetable plants are quite simple

Vegetable plants have a quite simple plantation technique, suitable for many areas, except alum and saline soils. Plants grow best when planted on muddy, well-drained soil. Veggies also known as pungent vegetables, complementary, main noodles. Scientific name: Sauropus Androgynus, belonging to the family: Euphorbyaceae.

Biological characteristics

This is a plant of woody plants, growing upright, with many branches. The tree is about 1.5 m tall, sometimes up to 2 m. The leaves grow out, the leaves are oval, dark green. Flower with single-counting vegetables, sim-shaped; The fruit is round like a tomato but smaller. Glutinous vegetables are plants with many supplements, benign, especially for many vitamins A and C.

Techniques for growing vegetable plants

Growers can plant potted plants from seeds but the rate of seed germination is usually very low and the time of harvest is long. Therefore, planting with cuttings is the most used method.

Picture 2 of How to grow vegetables in foam containers at home
Just apply the right planting techniques, people can plant trees in many places in the house

On the well-grown pelicans (trees about 6-8 years old after planting), without pests and diseases, people should choose strong branches, thin branches (not old, not young) - the branches have just turned brown, after cut each 20 cm length to be the same for the next crop. By the following way:

Step 1 : Prepare rice husk to make cuttings (chaff has been annealed). Depending on the size of the garden: the width is about 1 - 1.2 m; The height of the surface is about 10 cm.

Step 2 : Prepare seedlings (the above mentioned seedlings).

Step 3 : Immerse into NAA solution (root stimulation) prepared concentration.

Step 4 : Pinned seedlings on prepared lettuce, inclination of the tree compared to the convex surface about 45 degrees.

Step 5 : After pinning about 20-25 days, the tree takes root and can bring it to the field (garden) to grow and water to keep it moist.

The season of vegetables is very hot

This species can be grown all year round, preferably at the beginning of the rainy season. The planting distance is as follows: every row is 50 - 60 cm, the plant is 25 - 30 cm from the tree, each tree can be planted 2 trees.

Fertilizer (calculated for 1,000 m2) for vegetables

Lined fertilizer includes: 1.5 - 2 tons of decomposed animal manure, Super phosphate: 10 - 15 kg, Potassium: 3-4 kg. Finish fertilizer can be divided into 2 times, using Urea fertilizer about 5kg / time (1 month after planting) and the second time then about 20-25 days. During that time, growers can combine the use of more foliar fertilizers to add more micro-nutrients to the plants.

Picture 3 of How to grow vegetables in foam containers at home
Veggies contain many nutrients, cool

Due to the continuous harvest of vegetables, after each harvest, people only need to fertilize the plants 1 time and about 6 months, add organic fertilizer to the plants. Two years later, people should re-plant new trees.

Take care of the vegetable garden

Growers need to clean the garden, avoid grass competing with plants, limit pests and diseases. Watering should be done once a day. During the harvest process, the tree should be combined with pruning, creating trees with beautiful canopy frames, and open gardens.

Pest and disease prevention

Picture 4 of How to grow vegetables in foam containers at home
Beef meat soup on summer day is the best dish for cooling and providing nutrition

Vegetable plants are relatively less affected by pests and diseases. If so, the main pests and diseases on trees such as leaf rollers and green worms. The remedy is to use Biocin microbiological drugs alternately with Sherpa, Sherzol, SecSaigon.


By cutting branches or picking leaves. After planting for about 2 months, we can harvest the first batch. The next batch is about 25 - 30 days.