Techniques to grow green jute trees in foam containers

Thanks to simple tree planting techniques, people can grow jute for themselves without fear of residues of pesticides and pesticides in the market.

Jute plant (scientific name: Corchorus) has a very simple planting technique. This is a genus of about 40-100 species of flowering plants (Malvaceae) originating from tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world.

Picture 1 of Techniques to grow green jute trees in foam containers
Techniques for growing jute trees are not difficult

Jute is a leafy vegetable that can have a height of 60-70 cm, many branches and small leaves; The leaves, branches and veins of the leaves are purplish in red, jute with a root system that grows but is shallow and poorly tolerant. It is suitable for growing in hot and humid climates, especially in northern Vietnam.

Techniques for growing jute trees

Jute seeds are sown from March - July, from 1.5 to 2kg seeds for 1,000m2. Growers need to go up to 0.8 - 1m wide beds and make soil carefully, scattered or in rows, about 20cm apart and watered with moisture. When 10- 15cm high jute vegetables should be trimmed for less. After 50 - 60 days, the vegetable bed should be removed once more, leaving the trees spaced 30 x 40cm apart and collecting the tops of many litters.

Picture 2 of Techniques to grow green jute trees in foam containers
People can plant trees in foam containers to save space

In addition, farmers should fertilize 1.2 - 1.5 tons of manure + 10-12 kg super phosphate + 7 - 10 kg KCl for 1,000 m2 of plants. When jute grows 2 -3 true leaves, growers need to dilute nitrogen fertilizer and watering, every 8-10 days, once, especially after 1 time of picking.

Pests on jute

In addition to green worms, cavities, jute is often prone to sucking and making curly leaves and yellow leaves such as green hoppers, thrips and white spiders. The main way to prevent it is to cultivate the plants with adequate nutrition, when the worm attacks jute vegetables with high density, people can spray. Treatment of thrips requires Fastac, Polytrin, Admire, with spiders using Feat, Abafax, Ortus .

Picture 3 of Techniques to grow green jute trees in foam containers
Jute has many uses for humans

Jute vegetables often get sick and die seedlings, anthracnose forms brown spots on leaves, drying tops and dying seedlings. Prevention of anthracnose on jute with Dithan -M, Carbenzim, Topsin - M. Rovral .

Harvesting and breeding

Growers need to harvest at the right time to ensure the quality of young vegetables and time to isolate pesticides and top dressing.

How to breed: after July, collect fruits and fruits to be left in a basket or hot dry and then grab seeds, clean and store for next season.

The effect of jute plants

Jute vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins. The researchers analyzed the chemical composition of jute that showed 498mg% calcium, 93mg% phosphorus, 3.8mg% iron, potassium 650mg%, oxalic acid 870mg%, vitamin B1 0.24mg%, vitamin B2 0, 76mg%, vitamin C 168mg%, vitamin A 7,940 units .

Picture 4 of Techniques to grow green jute trees in foam containers
Jute crab soup is a specialty of summer, Vietnamese-style

In addition to the ability to cure pleural effusion, snake bites, jute plants are also used to treat constipation due to water-rich plants so soften stool. In jute, there are many polysaccharides, increasing intestinal circulation, preventing stasis.

Jute has the effect of cooling, thirsty, cooling, treating sun damage . Because jute vegetables are rich in water, contain lots of mucus, and have lots of sugar, it is beneficial for cooling. The welding of jute helps to neutralize all hot phenomena.