How to grow simple and clean spinach at home

Recently, the trend of growing vegetables with styrofoam in the inner city is growing due to the quality of vegetables, tubers and fruits in the market. Here are the most basic skills of growing spinach plants.

Techniques for growing spinach in foam containers

Vegetable spinach is a green vegetable grown popularly at home because the techniques of planting trees are easy, easy to apply, easy to find seeds or seedlings. With just a little of the initial cost, the grower will be able to eat the comforting spinach during the season.

Picture 1 of How to grow simple and clean spinach at home
The techniques for growing spinach are quite simple

More importantly, home grown vegetables always ensure freshness, safety and hygiene without worrying about stimulants like vegetables displayed on the market. Bunch of green vegetables is like a hot summer antidote. At hot noon, bowl of vegetable soup will help the body become more cool, prevent constipation and detoxify the liver.

Prepare equipment for planting vegetables

If at home there is a piece of land close to the wall about a square meter near the wall outside in the sun, the growers should let the vegetables grow to be fast and simple. With urban houses, trees should be planted in pots or foam trays.

Picture 2 of How to grow simple and clean spinach at home Just need to pay attention to some basic tree planting techniques, people can grow fresh and fresh vegetables by themselves

People should prepare foam pots or trays, plastic baskets with wide mouths as well and 12-15 cm deep bottoms. Other items include: soil for growing vegetables (if grown according to the organic vegetable method), and clean soil (if growing safe vegetables), vegetable seeds are spongy, less nutritious soil, urea fertilizer.

Sow seeds and water

If grown in trays or pots, growers need to put soil to grow vegetables in a layer of 8 cm thick, spread seeds with a dose of 10 grams of seeds for a foam tray, spread evenly over the surface of the tray and cover the thin layer of soil 0.5 cm Then, water with a light spray, moist enough, 2 times a day, about 5-7 days, the seeds will germinate.

If soil is grown for climbing, people only need 15-20 seeds to form a row and fill the soil, water twice a day, check for insects and snails to eat seeds and young leaves. When the plant is 20 cm tall, farmers should make trusses or trees for vegetables to climb up the truss.

Vegetable spinach can be grown in a sunny or sunny place one day , should not be grown in the sun-covered place because the vegetable will be tall, the body is sick and leaves small. In the rainy season, growers should not irrigate much water because it will be easy to flood vegetables; In the dry season, the plants need to irrigate 2 times / day to keep the humidity.

Fertilizing and harvesting

If planted in pots or foam trays, when the vegetable has 3 to 4 real leaves, the grower can trim it to eat. When pruning, people should keep their vegetables in rows so that the trees have a greater distance without being competed for nutrition and light.

Picture 3 of How to grow simple and clean spinach at home
Plants grown in foam containers will harvest earlier

After thinning for the first time, the plants need to be fertilized with a soil layer of wormwood 2-3 cm so that the vegetables will not be yellowed. Tree careers can add a small teaspoon of urea to 1 liter of water to irrigate vegetables at cool in the afternoon to help the leaves grow faster and greener.

After the next 25-30 days, when 35-40 cm tall spinach is the time when the grower can cut the leaves for use. When cutting, people should use sharp and clean knives to cut across the body, leaving 7-10 cm away from the soil to allow them to continue planting for the next period. Every time the harvest is cut, the tree needs to be fertilized with soil and add urea water as the first time.

As for spinach vegetables grown on the ground, growers need to wait for vegetables to grow many branches and leaves to cut leaves and buds. Every month, adding more nutritious soil once will help the green leaf better.

Pest and disease prevention

If there is a prolonged rain, the tree should be avoided so that rainwater falls directly on the leaves of the spinach, the leaves will be crushed and rotten or yellowed. When planted, people should cultivate high ground into a mound so that the stumps are not stagnant in the rainy season.

Picture 4 of How to grow simple and clean spinach at home
Baton soup is an effective cooling solution for summer

Because home-grown vegetables do not use pesticides, growers need to check their plants regularly to catch worms and remove leaf yellow leaves. Veggies spinach is one of the green vegetables that are easy to grow, care for, and less pestilent, people can plant some aroma wire next to the trellis for extra home garden.