Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Although tomatoes are small, they are easy to grow and grow many crops in the year, wrong fruits. Tomato plants can grow anywhere, just a little attention to the technical stages of planting, growers will achieve the desired effect.

Picture 1 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Cherry tomatoes are a small fruit, have a round or long fruit shape, red are very beautiful, sour but sweeter than regular tomatoes. In addition, cherry tomatoes are also grown in pots, both bring fruit products, just decorate the balcony, or patio garden, .

Tomato seeds and seeds

You choose the type of tomato you want to plant, if for the first time, you should choose a popular variety, which is popular with many people as organic tomatoes. 1-month-old seedlings can be purchased at the tree store, if you sow the tomatoes from the seeds, seed the seeds 1 month in advance to get the right seedlings.

Tomato grown in 3 seasons is distributed as follows:

  1. Spring-summer crop: Sowing 2-3 months; planting 3-4 months; May 5-6 harvest.
  2. Early crop: Sowing in July; August planting; harvest 9-10 months.
  3. Late crop: Seeding in October; November planting; harvest 2-3 months.
  4. Main case: Sowing seeds from September 20-25; planting from 18-22 October; harvest 12-1 months.

Seeds can be sown in pots, in foam trays or on nursery beds, then spit out after 20-25 days of age when plants have 3-5 true, sturdy, pest-free leaves.

Picture 2 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Land for planting

Tomatoes can be grown on many different types of soil but you should refer to organic soils that are both clean and full of nutrients for potted plants. Tomatoes require soil to be rich in organic nutrients. The simple way is to mix soil and rice husk with chicken manure (any kind of organic fertilizer use that type). If you can't compost organic fertilizers at home, you can buy them at stores.

The light

Tomato is a light-loving plant , so the most ideal place to plant tomatoes is a place with adequate sunshine, at least 6-7 hours / day. Tomatoes need lots of warm sunshine to have a delicious taste.

Cultivation techniques

1. Prepare seeds

Choose seeds that are suitable for ecological zones and planting seasons.

Processing seeds before sowing : soak seeds into warm water about 45-50oC (3 boiling treatments: 2 cold), then 2-3 hours then drain and then put into anhydrous cloth to be tempered at 25 - 30 temperature oC until seeds crack, then sow.

2. Sow seeds

Seeds can be sown into gourd bags, foam trays or plastic trays with dimensions of 60 x 45 cm in the number of 40-60 cavities / trays, on the tray with potting holes, diameter from 4.0 to 5.5 cm.

Picture 3 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Potting medium: The mixture can be added to the incubator and can be mixed according to the following formula:

  1. Soil: Coconut fiber: Organic fertilizer at a weight ratio of 1: 1: 1
  2. Husk husk: Soil: Organic manure in volume ratio 3: 4: 3.

Sowing seeds: Sow 1 seed / hole, after sowing a thin layer of substrate to cover the seeds.

The seeding tray must be left in a covered house, with a light material (nylon or white plastic sheet).

3. Planting and caring

Seedlings have 4-5 true leaves, 10-12 cm tall, healthy, fat stems are all spotted and planted into pots.

Tomato plants have a root shape that runs along the whole body, so you can plant them deep into the ground, just to let the young leaves float on the ground.

Picture 4 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Picture 5 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Picture 6 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Water regularly

Regularly watering the tomato plant for the first 1-2 weeks is always a good idea to help them become stronger and grow better. Tomato plants are prone to drought when they are young.

Tomatoes are 20-25 days to be able to reach pots when plants are 2-3 real leaves, sturdy, pest-free. Tomatoes that you can grow in pots, styrofoam, and garden are all possible. Potted, right pots deep 20cm.

Picture 7 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Note :

Moisturizing the soil is not continuous watering. If the soil is soggy, it will kill the roots and create conditions for the fungus to grow, especially when it is really warm or hot.

Watering from the body downwards, watering the plants well is better than directly watering the leaves. Because this irrigation method will encourage some diseases that are easily encountered in growing tomato plants.

Gradually increase the amount of irrigation water after 10 days and ensure that the plant receives about 7.5 liters of water per week, starting from the end of the 2nd week after planting.

Sprinkle deep water for plants 2-3 times per week, each time watering 3-4 liters of water. Can increase the amount of water if the tree is bigger and the weather is hotter. In case the weather is too dry and hot, you can water more often than the standard.


When the tomato plant is 1.5-2 months old, you need to make a rig or pile to support the trunk. Bamboo, wood, plumbing or iron poles can be used to help support tomato stems without collapsing or breaking when fruit is produced. The size of the support or rig depends on the type of tomato you choose to plant. If you only plant in a small pot with cherry tomatoes, you only need a stake to support the tree, but if it is a big seedling or planted in the garden, then you have to set up the support and support frame.

Picture 8 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

A rig with 3 horizontal splints or iron bars around the basin, high 1.6-1.7m, tie the main body with soft wire along the tree stand for climbing trees.

Make the tree wrong and durable : Remove the branch and old leaves for ventilation. Each tree leaves only one main body and two branches of level 1 at the bottom of the first bunch of flowers, and then leaves the tree to many branches to give more fruits and beans to the left.

Picture 9 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year

Note :

Water enough moisture for tomatoes, not to flood the tomato or the humidity is too large. Regularly detect and prevent timely pests and diseases for tomatoes.

Regularly remove old leaves and pest leaves to help plants clear and reduce pests and diseases.

The purpose of pruning tops is to concentrate the nutrient-feeding nutrients. There are two ways to prune the branches, depending on the characteristics of each plant, use different ways.

With finely grown tomatoes : Conduct branching but still leave a branch from the main stem under the axillary under the first bunch of flowers. (All young shoots and healthy branches are cut off). Press the tops when that tree can produce 4-5 bunches of fruit. Counting from the last bunch of fruits to leave two leaves, the top part is clicked away.

Picture 10 of Instructions on how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes that produce fruits throughout the year


Fruit will appear about 45-90 days from the time of planting. Initially the fruit will be green, then yellow, pink and finally red. The fruit quality is highest when fruits turn to fully ripening stage (dark red). When ripe fruit use a knife or scissors to cut the fruit. Or it may be picked earlier, kept indoors for ripe fruit.