18 reasons to use tomatoes

Tomatoes often appear in every home's kitchen and are used to make a lot of dishes. But the great benefits and effects of this kind of fruit and the way it is best eaten is not everyone knows.

Picture 1 of 18 reasons to use tomatoes
Eating a lot of tomatoes may help fight prostate cancer.

1. Improve eyesight

Tomato is an excellent source of vitamins A and C to help prevent night blindness and increase your eyesight. A recent study found that high levels of vitamin A in tomatoes can prevent macular degeneration, a serious disease that can lead to blindness. Moreover, tomatoes may reduce the risk of cataract. In tomatoes there are antioxidants like lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

2. Prevention of cancer

Eating a lot of tomatoes may help fight prostate cancer. Tomatoes may also help reduce the risk of some other cancers, such as the stomach, lungs, cervix, nasopharynx, rectum, colon, esophagus, and ovarian cancer through antioxidant and solid substances. especially thanks to the very high lycopene content found in tomatoes. The anti-cancer effect of tomatoes is much better when cooking this fruit with olive oil.

3. Brightens skin

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from the sun and makes your skin less sensitive to ultraviolet rays, one of the causes of wrinkles in the skin. Rub tomato paste on your rough skin helps pore, regenerate and hunt the skin.

Picture 2 of 18 reasons to use tomatoes Tomato brightens skin.

4. Reduce blood sugar

Tomatoes that contain very little carbohydrate should help reduce blood sugar. Several studies have found that the role of antioxidants in tomatoes protects the walls of the blood vessels and the kidneys, which are often damaged by diabetes. Tomatoes also contain chromium and fiber helps control blood sugar.

5. Promote good sleep

With abundant sources of vitamin C and lycopene can help you sleep better. So if you have trouble sleeping, add tomatoes to your daily diet with a bowl of soup or tomato smoothies.

6. Keep bones strong

Tomatoes contain vitamin K and calcium to help keep your bones healthy and anti-osteoporosis - the cause of fractures, bone deformities leading to disability.

7. Cure chronic diseases

Thanks to anti-inflammatory substances like carotenoids and bioflavonoid, tomatoes can reduce chronic pain. A research program indicates that drinking a glass of tomato juice a day can reduce blood levels of TNF-alpha, an assassin that causes inflammation. Tomatoes are great for people with cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.

8. Good for your hair

Thanks to vitamins and iron, your hair is damaged and without your life is more shiny. Moreover, acidic tomatoes can balance pH in the hair. If you have scalp dandruff and itching, apply fresh tomato juice to your hair and scalp after shampooing, and rinse with cold or warm water after 4-5 minutes. Do not use too often because the tomato's acid can dry your hair.

9. Help lose weight

If you are trying to lose some weight, you must have tomatoes in your daily diet because it is low in fat and cholesterol-free. Tomatoes contain a lot of fiber and water, thus helping you feel no. You can eat raw tomatoes or add them to casseroles served with salads, and other friendly eating foods.

Whether it is fresh tomatoes, dried, stewed, pureed or juice, add tomatoes to your daily diet and reap all the health benefits it brings.

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Tomatoes have many good health effects.(Photo: passionforpaleo.com).

10. Cure chronic hepatitis

Tomato 250mg washed, sliced, sliced ​​100g beef, stir-fry daily. This dish has a good support effect in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, helps the body quickly recover.

11. Good for kidney inflammation

In tomatoes there is a substance that helps the gastric juice excrete normally, ensuring that red blood cells are formed, which is beneficial for maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels and protecting the skin. Eating tomatoes helps to prevent and treat arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. Tomatoes contain lots of water, diuretic, also suitable for people with kidney inflammation.

12. Cardiovascular protection

Lycopene in tomatoes contains vitamins and minerals that protect the heart, potentially reducing the harmful effects of cardiovascular diseases.

13. Cure squash, anemia

Peeled and peeled tomatoes, cut them into small pieces, mixed with honey, eat 2-3 times a day, 1-2 fruits each time.

14. Burn fire

Take the tomato peel and stick it on the burn, sometimes instead. The drug has anti-burning effects and stimulates skin to recover quickly.

Picture 4 of 18 reasons to use tomatoes Eating tomatoes helps to prevent and treat arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure.

15. Cure sore ulcers

Wash the tops of tomatoes, crush them, add a few salt seeds, apply them to the lesion and then bandage again. Each day several times until the off. Or cook tomatoes with oil or fat until the steam is removed, then use as an ointment to apply to areas of pimples and sores.

16. Cure high fever accompanied by thirst

Sliced ​​200g tomatoes, water for tea instead of tea during the day, cold or hot drinks are fine. Or use tomato juice, watermelon juice every 200ml, mix well, divide 2-3 times a day

17. Cure hypertension

In the early morning (when not eating), take 1-2 tomatoes, rinse with boiling water, cut into small pieces, add some sugar to make it sweet and eat raw. Each course lasted ½ month, took 3 days off and then continued on another course.

18. Cure bleeding root

Eat fresh tomatoes (ripe fruits) 3 - 4 times, 1-2 fruits each time, eat in 2 weeks will have results.

How to eat tomatoes for good?

If you are fretting about whether you should boil, bake, stir-fry or eat raw tomatoes tonight, you can pay attention to this information: a recent study suggests that tomatoes should be cooked to get good nutritional value. most from this kind of fruit.

Cooking tomatoes is claimed by US researchers to be healthier than eating them. Lycopene rich tomato juice helps fight disease. It is an important antioxidant, has been shown to help fight cancer cells, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Studies show that cooking tomatoes can increase the effectiveness of lycopene - something never seen in any other fruit or vegetable. Lycopene has a protective mechanism that helps prevent inflammation and clotting.