Purple tomatoes were born

Thanks to genetic engineering, scientists created purple tomatoes, which are better than regular tomatoes and bring many benefits to human health.

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Anthocyanin is a type of pigment that produces purple for tomatoes. Scientists at the John Innes Research Center in the UK have taken two genes from the dog muzzle and then planted it into a tomato plant to 'turn on' some recessive genes. Thanks to the activity of these recessive genes, the highly anthocyanin-producing tomato plant and the color of the tomato turn purple., Telegraph reported.

Picture 1 of Purple tomatoes were born
Purple tomatoes smell more attractive, taste better and maintain hardness longer than regular tomatoes. (Photo: PA)

Tests showed that the shelf life of tomatoes after harvesting was up to 48 days, while normal tomatoes lasted only 21 days. In addition, due to high levels of antioxidants, purple tomatoes also prevent cancer risk in mice.

Another important characteristic is that purple tomatoes maintain longer stiffness than regular tomatoes. In addition to the ability to resist Botrytis cinerea , a fungus that causes rotting tomatoes, purple tomatoes are also higher. So it can last up to 48 days before decay.

'People often pick tomatoes when they are unripe and green tomatoes have a high hardness, an important factor for transportation. Picking before ripe tomatoes make their smell and taste not fully developed. We can pick up purple tomatoes later so they will smell better and taste better than regular tomatoes, but their hardness is still big enough for humans to transport them , 'said Professor Jonathan Jones, a city. member of the research team, speaking.

The team hired a Canadian company to grow its first purple tomato trial this summer. They will test its effects on human health over the next 12 months.