Techniques to preserve beans

Types of beans in general have a thin crust so poor protection ability, contain a lot of protein and fat (2-20%) means substances that are easy to resolve. On the other hand, beans are a very good source of food for microorganisms and insects that are highly destructive, easy to mold, oxidize, increase in fatty acids, and the quality of beans decrease. If the water content of the seeds is 15-16% and stored in high temperature conditions, it is very easy to lead to self-heating.

If there is a lot of impurities or serious water pest in the grain, the grain's ability to degrade is relatively large. From the morphological transformation of the particle can recognize the degree of metamorphism of the grain. For example, if the water portion of the seed is 13%, at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the color of the dark cytoplasm can be observed. If the grain is uneven, the water is 13% and at a storage temperature of 23 degrees C, the backside of the color is pink.

In order to control the metamorphic phenomena of the grain, the following factors should be taken into account:

Picture 1 of Techniques to preserve beans - Partial water: Always keep the legumes of the beans at the limit of <12% lower than the grains containing starch such as rice and rice. If the water content exceeds 12%, for example, at a level of 14%, the seeds are soft, the ratio of fatty acids increases rapidly, has a sour, moldy .

- The grain temperature stays at a normal level, if it is too high, it will reduce the quality. Due to the thin and easy cracking of the seed, it is necessary to avoid too strong sunlight in the sun so it can be dried in the shade, it is best to harvest the pea pods when it is not easy. cracking phenomenon.

- Grain integrity and grain maturity must meet the standards of removing green, broken grains .

In general, for bean peas, it is best to use a completely sealed preservation method; Storage is similar to preserving potatoes and cassava.

When the air temperature does not exceed 15 degrees C, base on different parts of the grain that can be classified as follows:

- If the water part of the grain is <12%, leave the seeds at a height of 1.5 m, put in bags and arrange 8 floors.
- If the water part is from 12-14%, leave loose particles 1.0 m high and pack 6 floors.
- If the water is from 14-16% for 0.7m high loose particles and 4-stage packaging.
- If the water part is> 16%, leave the seeds 0.5 m high and pack 2 bags.

In summer, due to hot weather, the height of loose grains should be reduced to 1/3 and number of floors, not to exceed 2 floors With a small amount of seeds, you can use the jar with the kitchen ash lined to absorb moisture, put the beans in and cover them. Do not store in hot weather.

According to Chinese research documents, soybeans are stocked after cooling down after 10 months of over 50% germination rate. If warehousing at hot time, the germination rate is only 4%.