Techniques to preserve pineapple after harvest

Aromatic fruits (pineapple, pineapple) are now industrial crops grown very much in our country. In general, due to the characteristics of pineapples, when harvested, they want to preserve the pineapple fruit for a long time. The growers must closely combine the harvesting technique and preserve the pineapple fruit. Below is the introduction of pineapple harvesting and preservation techniques.

1. Harvest

Picture 1 of Techniques to preserve pineapple after harvest - Harvesting ripe: Pineapple exported fresh fruit when harvesting pods has changed from dark green to light green, two rows of eyes on the stem have gold interstitial. Pineapple for industrial processing has 1-3 rows of stalks on yellow stalks.

- Harvesting techniques: Cut fruit with stalks 2-3 cm long, flat cuts do not cause fruits to be crushed, broken stalks, broken tops. Do not harvest on rainy days or intense sun. When you need to take buds for planting or discarding, you must use a cutting knife, not broken because the indentation will cause fruit rot.

2. Preservation

- Preserving at the production place: After harvesting, it must be transported to a cool, clean place, not piled in the sun or rain.

- Preserving fresh fruits for export: Choose healthy fruits, not be stamped, no mealybugs, remove leaves at the base, cut with stems 2cm from the root. Sorting, packing, put into cool store, transported by cold car with temperature of 7-8 o C, humidity of 85-90%. Time from harvesting to bringing into cool storage is not more than 24 hours in summer and 36 hours in spring.

- Preserving pineapples for industrial processing: Harvesting is completed, preliminary classification, selecting healthy fruits and bringing them into cool store with temperature of 10-12 o C for green pineapple, 7-8 o C for pineapples starting Ripe, moisture content in warehouses 85-90% can be stored 2-3 weeks.