Technology extraction of rare metals from waste water

Scientists from Morishita and Osaka University of Japan have developed a new technology that extracts rare metals from industrial wastewater by taking advantage of small-scale capsules.

Picture 1 of Technology extraction of rare metals from waste water
Wastewater treatment. (Photo Internet)

Scientists have created " spherical capsule " spheres with diameters from 2mm to 10mm. Inside the " bio capsule " contains microorganisms and absorbing drugs that can absorb rare metals.

By putting large amounts of " bio-capsules " into waste water, microorganisms will absorb rare metals. Ultimately, scientists can obtain high concentrations of rare metals by burning " bio-fungi ".

Currently, when extracting rare metals from liquid objects, experts often use organic solvents so the recovery efficiency is not high, and the cost is very expensive, so it is difficult to use on a large scale. .

According to scientists, the technology to recover rare metals by taking advantage of " bio capsules " is expected to officially be available in the market by 2012. With the advent of this new technology will help Safe recovery of rare metals and low cost.