Technology to create the generation of

In 10 years, office staff will use comprehensive modern equipment, interact mainly from home with colleagues they have never met. Computer equipment would then be as popular as a family toaster.

Picture 1 of Technology to create the generation of Diane Morello, research director of Gartner survey firm, believes that the process of technology convergence will unify daily life, family, work together and will form a home-based workforce called are " mobile employees " or " pajamas " (working while still wearing nightwear).

" To believe what we say, you just need to look at today's generation of teenagers and their means of 'expressing themselves '," Gartner said.

Young people are shopping for themselves with sophisticated personal technology, serving them to play games, communicate and entertain. They are also willing to share information about themselves in every social forum, blog, instant messaging network . Gartner cites the example of online diary site with 2.7 million accounts and degrees. The average age of members is only 17.5.

" Employees of 2015 will consider a computer like a common bakery in today's life, " Morello said. According to Gartner's research director, information technology companies will not only play a role in manufacturing and introducing new equipment, but also must act as trusted advisors in using the technology. technology. Especially, if businesses still think about owning and controlling employees, they will soon "lose touch" in 10 years.

TN ( according to The Age )