Tell you how to treat tremors when nervousness does not require medication

When you are stressed, anxious or nervous, you may find your heart beating faster, your body sweating and your hands starting to shake . This is a warning sign that the neurotransmitter's activity is Menstrual areas are hurt or disordered, you need to find treatment for tremor hands early before turning into difficult-to-treat disease!

Still know that stress is an essential part of modern life that we face every day, but if you don't control it well, it can lead to tremor when nervous, nervous, tired, sleepless. . Shivering in this case is common in young people (adolescents), postpartum women or premenopausal women. The disease can cause many negative effects on quality of life if not treated early.

Why are you shaking your hands when nervous?

The feeling of suspense is a natural reaction of the nervous system when you realize that you are in a dangerous situation . At that time, the hormone adrenalin in the blood will increase, the heart rate will be faster, the breath will be fast and the muscles will be stretched ready to 'fight' or 'flee'.

In fact, sometimes the situation you encounter is not so dangerous that you need to 'run away' or 'fight' but the amount of adrenalin continues to rise in your body. Although science has proved that this is a normal psychological state, but if you do not control, tremor when nervousness will occur more often. If even if you feel completely normal and still shaking your hands, you can't take it lightly anymore.

The risk of severe worsening of tremor when nervous

Picture 1 of Tell you how to treat tremors when nervousness does not require medication
The more worried and stressed, the more trembling the hands.

When you are stressed, you will tend to impose your thoughts on restraining your tremor: 'I will be fine, no one will pay attention to my hands, there is nothing to worry about!' . However, it is this that makes you focus on your worries, causing your hands to shake even more.

Over time, tremor when nervousness is easy to repeat and next time is often more serious than the last time. When the nervous system is accustomed to conditioned reflexes, shivering occurs frequently and becomes more severe, making it more difficult to treat.

How can your hands stop shaking?

Shivering when nervousness is due to psychological instability, if you can control stress and reduce anxiety, tremor symptoms will gradually disappear. Try to adjust your emotions, positive thoughts and calmness when encountering a bad situation.

Besides, you should also go to the hospital to check your health. If tremors in the palpitations become severe, your doctor may prescribe some stress reliever medications such as beta blockers (propranolol) and muscle relaxants (benzodiazepines).

However, Western medicine is only effective in reducing temporary tremor and long-term use can cause dependence and many other side effects. This is why you should apply tremor treatment when nervousness does not require medication to prevent this disease from getting worse.

How to treat tremors when nervousness does not require medication

To treat tremor tremors when the palpitations are effective without medication, you can apply a temporary and long-term treatment according to the following tips.

Temporary cure for tremors when nervous

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Deep breathing techniques when meditating help you to shake your hands.

  1. 1. Breathing deeply: When shaking your hands, you should lie down or sit in a comfortable position, place your hand on your stomach, then take a deep breath through your nose. Hold your breath for 3 seconds, then exhale slowly, gently through your mouth. You continue to take such deep breaths for 5-10 minutes and maintain them regularly every day.
  2. 2. Meditation: You should find an open place and meditate for 1 minute. Keep your mind focused on the breath to dispel all worries and soothe the nervousness to reduce tremor.
  3. 3. Going out for a walk: Whenever you feel stressed, go out of crowded places and walk fast forward. You should look to the open space and close to nature such as parks, beaches .

The way to treat tremors during temporary anxiety can help you reduce tremor symptoms at the time of anxiety, anxiety or stress. However, you also need to apply long-term treatment to be able to cure it completely and prevent the risk of getting worse.

Long-term cure of tremor when nervous

Picture 3 of Tell you how to treat tremors when nervousness does not require medication
The diet of shaky hands requires additional magnesium and omega-3.

A long-term solution to treating tremors when nervousness requires you to be determined and persevering to do it every day can improve your nervous system function.

1. Add magnesium and omega-3

The diet of people who are trembling when nervousness needs to supplement with magnesium and omega-3 rich foods.

Magnesium deficiency can inhibit signaling between nerve cells. So, strengthen magnesium to help relax your nerves, improve your mood and emotions. You can eat plenty of magnesium rich foods such as dark chocolate, spinach, lettuce, bananas, apricots, almonds, walnuts, soybeans, brown rice, pumpkin seeds .

In addition, you should also consume omega-3 rich foods in flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, sardines, salmon, Brussels cabbage, canola oil .

2. Physical activity

For people who are trembling when nervous, yoga is the most appropriate relaxation exercise to balance the psychological instability when exercising. The combination of 3 movement postures, meditation and deep breathing exercises in yoga will be very good for the mind and body. Yoga will improve tremors when stress, reduce cortisol levels, enhance immune function of the body.

If you don't want to do yoga, you can replace it with other tremor-reducing exercises like walking, jogging, swimming .

You should get into the habit of walking barefoot on wet soil, soft grass or sandy beaches every day for about 30 minutes which will be very beneficial for the nervous system. Exposure to the ground will help improve circulation, regulate heart rate, prevent inflammation, improve sleep, balance the nervous system, reduce stress.