How to treat heartburn, indigestion without medication

A teaspoon of mustard can repel heartburn. Chewing gum is also one of the good ways to treat indigestion.

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Dyspepsia is characterized by abdominal pain or intestinal hotness immediately after eating. For most people, indigestion is caused by eating too much or eating fatty foods. However, in a few cases it is due to a mild illness or stomach ulcer rather than gastrointestinal disorder. Here are ways to treat indigestion without medication:

Aloe vera (aloe vera)

Aloe vera is often used to treat burns and minor cuts, but it is also quite effective in reducing indigestion. This plant contains barbaloin, aloin, aloe-emodin laxative compounds, effective against inflammation of the stomach lining. There is not much scientific evidence about the therapeutic effect of aloe with heartburn, New York's Langone Medical Center has called this addition a recommended natural treatment for esophageal burns. .

Chewing gum

Gum is available and cheap but few people know that this daily chewing gum is one of the best medicine-free treatments for heartburn. In a study published in 2001, researchers from Wake Forest University in North Carolina, USA discovered chewing gum increased pH in the esophagus and oropharynx, leading to a reduction in the effects of heartburn. . According to a report in the New York Times, it is because gum repels the epidemic and makes the esophagus full of alkaline saliva, which helps neutralize the acids that cause heartburn associated with indigestion.

Picture 1 of How to treat heartburn, indigestion without medication
Photo: wellbeingdigest

Lie on your left side when you sleep

Acid reflux causes indigestion to become worse in the evening when we sleep for long periods of time.

A study published in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology indicates that sleeping on the left side is the best way to avoid heartburn in the evening. However, sleeping on the right side seems to have the opposite effect and increases heartburn. This may be due to sleeping on the right side which increases the time it takes to remove acid from the esophagus. Lying directly on your back is also associated with increased symptoms as it disrupts the flow of acid from the esophagus.


The taste of licorice is not pleasant but there is scientific evidence that shows the effectiveness of licorice in treating indigestion. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, US treatments combined with licorice, peppermint, chrysanthemum show high effectiveness in reducing some of the worst symptoms of indigestion. This is because licorice can help heal the stomach lining. Licorice root has the effect of inhibiting the potential development of harmful bacteria in the stomach and reducing inflammation. It has never been used in any clinical trial of indigestion-related diseases.


A teaspoon of mustard can repel heartburn. Indigestion is caused by an imbalance in the stomach acid content and a small amount of mustard may help overcome this imbalance. Mustard is a very alkaline food, an acid antagonist. Using a teaspoon of this yellow spice can neutralize stomach acids and sometimes help relieve symptoms immediately.

Baking Soda

In fact, biocarbonate salts found in Baking Soda are very beneficial in reducing heartburn. Just one teaspoon of this powder will react with hydrochloric acid in the stomach and turn it into harmless sodium chloride, CO 2 and water. Baking soda is often good for pain relief but in rare cases its use can be more harmful. The New York Times reported that the treatment for this indigestion may cause puncture or tearing of the stomach lining. According to the announcement, only one death recorded was associated with the use of baking soda and this occurred in 1939.