A teaspoon of mustard can repel heartburn. Chewing gum is also one of the good ways to treat indigestion.

Don't think of chewing gum just to prevent mouth upset, it has more benefits than you think.

Lanolin in gum is extracted from excreted substances in sheepskin, while tattoo ink contains bone ash and glycerin from animal fat.

Swallow gum with intestinal irritation, intestinal obstruction or cause disease? This infographic will help you answer.

Many people do not know that many habits are slowly killing the brain and gradually reducing their IQ. So what are those bad habits?

Gum can make your breath cool, but if you chew for too long, for 10 minutes or more, can cause some problems in your teeth and stomach.

Body odor is a difficult issue for many people. How do you always smell good without smell

How to after eating garlic mouth no odor? Here are quick remedies for bad breath.

An apple is considered a natural toothbrush to remove food particles and bacteria while chewing and knocking out stains around the teeth.

For almost 2 years, Chris Cullen often had headaches, dizziness and a constant clogged ear. He was also exhausted and in a depressed mood.