Some types of vegetables and seeds clean the mouth

An apple is considered a natural toothbrush to remove food particles and bacteria while chewing and knocking out stains around the teeth.

Most of us know that red wine stains teeth and sugar. But do you know that what we eat every day also has a significant impact on oral health? Dentist Peter Alldrit, Chairman of the Oral Health Committee, Australian Dental Association, claims that many foods can help keep teeth strong and clean, such as:


An apple is considered a natural toothbrush, removing pieces of food scattered and bacteria while chewing, while knocking out stains around the teeth. Just like raw carrots, apples contain high levels of water, reduce the negative effects of sugar, and promote the secretion of saliva, helping to protect teeth and fight tooth decay.


Picture 1 of Some types of vegetables and seeds clean the mouth
Photo: Bodyandsoul

Strawberry is considered as a strong natural whitening agent with astringent (malic acid) to help remove stains in teeth, vitamin C whitens teeth thanks to the cleaning effect of plaque.

A commonly known natural tooth whitening tip is brushing your teeth with a mashed strawberry mixture mixed with a little soda. Immediately afterwards rinse your mouth with water and mouthwash to clean the road. However Aldritt warns of a combination of abrasive soda and acidic strawberries that can damage your enamel, so do not take too long or many times.

Citrus fruit

Fruits contain high levels of vitamin C such as oranges and lemons that can help healthy gums by strengthening blood vessels and connective tissue. Vitamin C also helps reduce inflammation, prevent and slow down the progress of gingivitis and gingivitis. However, eat these fruits moderately because they contain high levels of acid that can erode tooth enamel. Avoid brushing your teeth within an hour after eating citrus fruit so that saliva has time to neutralize the acid's effect.


Milk and dairy products are good for the teeth because they contain special anti-cavity nutrients like casein, calcium, phosphorus. Some studies have shown that milk can improve tooth decay, tooth erosion through "filling" minerals on tooth enamel.


Picture 2 of Some types of vegetables and seeds clean the mouth
Nuts are good for dental health.(Photo: Bodyandsoul)

Most nuts provide beneficial nutrients for your teeth. Especially peanuts (almonds) and walnuts, they all contain calcium, magnesium and vitamins, minerals essential for oral health. Nuts also contain high fiber content to help clean teeth, help you have a healthy meal because they promote the secretion of saliva and wash away the plaque.


Every time you eat a serving of cheese, your teeth "thank you". Proteins in cheese are known to protect tooth enamel and increase pH levels, helping to fight plaque. Cheese also stimulates saliva, protecting teeth from acid impact and preventing tooth decay.

Chewing gum

Picture 3 of Some types of vegetables and seeds clean the mouth
Photo: Bodyandsoul

Sugarless gum helps clean teeth after eating because they contain sugar alcohol xylitol that helps prevent the growth of tooth decay bacteria. Xylitol works by creating a barrier that prevents bacteria from attaching to the tooth surface. Chewing gum about 15 minutes after eating will stimulate the regulation of saliva and neutralizing acid takes place in your mouth after eating.


Raisins contain a high amount of natural sugar and a strong antioxidant called oleanolic acid. Raisins can stop the growth of common bacteria found in the mouth that cause inflammation and gum disease.

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