In addition to chili, when it comes to spices that create spicy flavor, people will immediately mention mustard. However, not many people know that mustard has many benefits for
Eating sushi without a little bit of soy sauce, red ginger and wasabi is an omission, isn't it?
But how to warn a deaf person who is sleeping very drunk during the night? The fire alarm was useless because they couldn't hear it.
From small lavender flowers to rampant beef stalks, there is nothing outstanding about the Lake Big-shale coast weed that gives the idea that this may be a wonder in the plant
In everyday life there are many types of foods that help kill cancer cells but we don't notice, these are the following foods.
Allyl isothiocyanate mustard seeds, phenethyl, melatonin ... help the body fight aging, antibacterial, inhibit the formation of cancer cells.
A teaspoon of mustard can repel heartburn. Chewing gum is also one of the good ways to treat indigestion.
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin for the body to improve the musculoskeletal system and help blood clotting.
In the search for anticancer drugs, many famous anticancer drugs began the cause of human salvation not from miraculous effects but from death and disasters. Mustard gas is one of
Wasabia people often use Wasabia (used for processing mustard) when eating raw fish to eliminate toxins, bacteria ...