Terrible diseases spread by mosquitoes

Mosquitoes bring people a variety of diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria or most recently Zika virus .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mosquitoes are the most dangerous source of infection , leaving millions of people dead and hundreds of millions of people infected each year in the world. "They are the world's worst assassin," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infections, told CBS News.

In addition to Zika virus recently broke out, there are many other serious diseases caused by mosquitoes.

Picture 1 of Terrible diseases spread by mosquitoes
Malaria produced by plasmodium parasites is transmitted by mosquitoes, attacking millions of people every year.(Photo: Yasmin).


Malaria produced by plasmodium parasites is transmitted by mosquitoes, attacking millions of people every year. WHO estimates that last year half of the world's population (equivalent to 3.2 billion people) faces the risk of malaria, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America. Children are particularly susceptible to disease.

In 2015, there were 214 million malaria patients in the world, of which 438,000 died.


Dengue fever is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes, flu-like symptoms such as sudden high fever, rash, pain behind the eyes, muscle aches and joints. The disease can turn into a severe, life-threatening dengue fever.

According to WHO, the prevalence of dengue has increased 30 times in the last 50 years, with about 50-100 million patients a year, putting half of the world's population at risk. The first serious dengue epidemic occurred in the Philippines and Thailand in the 1950s. Today it is the leading cause of hospitalizations or deaths in Asia and Latin America.


Chikungunya leads to fever, severe joint and muscle pain, weakness, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash. The time of illness usually changes, can last for weeks and there is no cure. Although the complications are quite rare, Chikungunya is still capable of causing death, especially in the elderly.

The WHO notes that Chikungunya has appeared in more than 60 countries, becoming an undeniable threat in Africa, Asia and India. The disease also spread to the US and Europe after a sick person was discovered in the Caribbean in 2013.

Picture 2 of Terrible diseases spread by mosquitoes
WHO notes Chikungunya has appeared in more than 60 countries.

West Nile virus

80% of West Nile people have no specific manifestations. This disease can lead to nerve damage to death but fortunately this ratio does not exceed 1%.

West Nile virus is popular in Africa, Europe, Middle East, North America and West Asia.

Yellow fever

About 30,000 people die from yellow fever every year, of which 90% are concentrated in Africa. In addition, tropical regions of Latin America are also affected.

People with yellow fever have yellow eyes, fever, muscle aches, headache, tremor, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting. About 15% of patients who are feeling well in fact fall into the second phase of the disease, leading to lower abdominal pain, bleeding from the mouth, nose, eyes, stomach, and loss of kidney function. According to WHO, 50% of cases entering the second phase will die within 10-14 days.


Zika virus is raging in Central and South America, is thought to be related to brain atrophy. It does not cause serious illness but is a major threat to pregnant women. Some people infected with Zika virus also develop Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune status can lead to temporary paralysis.

WHO warns that the number of cases of Zika will increase to millions in the near future.