The 5 most bizarre disorders in the world

Syndrome: crying like cats, biting people, panic, face slitting, or twitching . is very rare in people but strangely there are times when these diseases develop into a large group.

Collective separation disorder is a dissociated disorder (Hysteria) manifested in a collective. These are the cases of transformation disorders, the patient experiences real feelings due to psychological symptoms triggered. Start individual disorders and develop a pandemic in a large group. The disease is more common in women than in men, in which female patients are grouped according to chain reaction and spread. The following are the most serious cases of the disease.

1. Nuns sound like cats in France and bite people in Germany

Picture 1 of The 5 most bizarre disorders in the world
Photo: Listverse

In the Middle Ages, some French nuns had very strange collective disorder disorder . The disease began when a nun made a cat-like noise, and spread to other nuns. They together meow repeatedly for hours at specific points of the day making people around this area feel very uncomfortable and angry. Only after the soldiers threatened, did they stop calling.

A similar case happened to a nun in a monastery in Germany. This nun does not sound like a cat but bites other people. The disease quickly spread to nuns and other nuns. The strange behavior of the nuns "may be due to the intense faith over time in the supernatural . The nuns - living in monasteries with strict religious regulations should be very easy to get this strange syndrome ".

2. Terrifying fear in France

Picture 2 of The 5 most bizarre disorders in the world
Photo: Listverse

At the beginning of the French Revolution, after hearing rumors of aristocrats planning for people to conquer rural villages and fields, farmers panicked. Fear caused them to become confused, even they mistook animals for bandits. People protect themselves by building armed forces. But they did not know that this move only made the problem more serious. People here often confuse bandits with patrols in the neighboring village. Some people are too frightened to burn houses of nobles.

Only after knowing that nobles had no conspiracy to invade would the people calm down. Witnessing the reaction of the people, the authorities felt very afraid, so they quickly issued a series of reforms to ease the situation. In fact, it is the people's fear that unknowingly becomes a "catalyst" that France has to cancel outdated regulations.

3. 'Mysterious creature' in India in 2002

Picture 3 of The 5 most bizarre disorders in the world
Photo: Listverse

A few years ago, the press rushed to exploit a mysterious "monkey" who suddenly attacked people and knew it. It was horrifying for many local people in the state of Uttar Pradesh (Northern India). They call this creature "muhnochwa" (the rake) . It can leave burns, incisions on the face or on the limbs of the victim. 6 people were killed after the creature attacked. Facing the helplessness of the local police, the villagers set up a police team to protect the villagers. Because the unrest quickly spread, the Indian government intervened and sent agents to investigate the case.

Before the investigation, there were strange theories about the origin of muhnochwa. A police officer said that muhnochwa was a "mysterious creature" used by Pakistani agents to track people. However, the scientists studied and explained that muhnochwa is a natural phenomenon that usually occurs during prolonged drought and can leave burns after contact with human skin.

4. Hunting head of construction materials

Picture 4 of The 5 most bizarre disorders in the world
Photo: Listverse

A scary legend about Japanese urban areas when using human life as a building material. Like Japan, in some remote areas of Malaysia and Indonesia, the government has propagandized its search for people as a foundation for new buildings or bridges. Every time a new building was built, people were frightened.

In 1937, Indonesia's first prime minister, Soetan Sjahrir, recounted that the rumors made people living in the villages of Banda city bewildered. At 7pm, on the streets without a shadow, people do not dare to go out on the streets. They feel more confused when witnessing and hearing those bizarre stories. The narrators also shared about the encounters with these headhunters. But luckily they escaped.

Another frightening incident occurred in 1979 on a Borneo island, in Southeast Asia. The villagers became bewildered after hearing rumors of the government kidnapping people to solidify a nearby bridge. The government has imposed a curfew to close local schools and set up patrol teams. Experts have analyzed these cases, and think that headhunting is just a 'rumor' that sometimes appears to reflect disagreement in the ideological relations between tribes and government. they.

5. Seizure syndrome in Louisiana, USA in 1939

Picture 5 of The 5 most bizarre disorders in the world
Photo: Listverse

In the spring of 1939, girls at a school in the southern US state of Louisiana had seizures. The disease appeared when a former female student returned and participated in the annual dance performance. The girl had seizures in her right leg while dancing. She was continuously convulsed for several weeks, and less than a month later, the disease spread to her friends. The parents of these students are very worried when their children have such strange syndrome. It took them a week to calm down their spirits.

What is the cause of seizures? Experts say that it may be because of a lost girl. A victim used to have convulsions named Helen - a difficult-to-fight dancer, constantly worrying when standing between two choices as a second-year boyfriend who is a very clever freshman. They concluded that painful convulsions in Helen's legs were due to her long-term subconscious concerns.