The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane

Helicopter fish with scientific name is Rineloricaria fallax. This is a fish that acts like a glassfish with a special shape like an airplane, with 2 sides like giant wings.

Picture 1 of The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane
Helicopter fish is one of the most gentle fish.They only become aggressive when preparing to give birth, pregnant or holding eggs.(Photo thuysinhvn).

Picture 2 of The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane
The helicopters lay between 50-120 eggs / time.After laying eggs, the female will no longer play any role.Male fish will keep eggs and hatch eggs.(Photo warmaquatics).

Picture 3 of The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane
Helicopter fish eat algae, damaged leaves, leftovers of fish falling in the bottom of the tank, foods for fish and shrimp . (Photo narvii).

Picture 4 of The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane
In the natural environment, helicopters live in areas with mild water flow and can grow up to 15.5cm in length.(Wikimedia photos).

Picture 5 of The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane
Helicopter fish is suitable for raising in aquariums.This fish tends to cling to driftwood, rocks and glass and search for sunken food.(Photo fbcdn).

Picture 6 of The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane
Helicopter fish are long-lived fish that can live up to 10 years.(Shrimp-vision photo).

Picture 7 of The amazing fact about fish looks like a mini plane
With an exceptionally distinctive shape like an airplane, helicopter fish have a relatively high price compared to other fish.(Aquauga photo).