Mini-rat brains in mice raise concerns about intelligent hybridization

Scientists transplant human brain tissue into rodents and mice, raising a moral debate among researchers.

Although mice certainly can not be thought of as humans in the future, critics point out that human and mouse brain implantation experiments can cause them to increase awareness, leading to unpredictable ethical issues, International Business Times on Nov. 8 reported.

The brain of the user in the experiment is an organoid , which plays the role of the miniaturized and simplified version of an organ that is created in vitro to simulate the real organ. Currently, the brains are produced from stem cells with electrical impulses and can develop new neurons.

Picture 1 of Mini-rat brains in mice raise concerns about intelligent hybridization
Mini-rat brains experiments raise concerns about new hybrid smarter. (Business Insider).

Even the most complex mini brains can not reach their thinking ability. However, researcher Hongjun Song at the University of Pennsylvania said that this is a possibility to discuss, according to Stat Magazine. Recent research has shown that the brain can successfully integrate into the animal's brain, meaning that human tissue can significantly influence how animals think in the future.

The mini brain is revolutionizing human brain development and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. But in the process of creating more complex mini brains to better simulate the conditions of the human brain, researchers need to implant mini brains more into experimental animals. According to the critics, each time the mini brain is implanted into the animal's brain, they become more human.

"If we were to give them a mini brain, that would affect their intelligence, their level of awareness, and even their species identity , " said Josephine Johnston, a researcher at Hastings Center in New York. raised the issue.