Why do people have different intelligence?

Scientists have found a variant of a gene related to human intelligence, which contributes to why people have different intelligence.

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Picture 1 of Why do people have different intelligence?
The HMGA2 gene variant has two C and no T
make people smarter (Photo: ABC.net)

Although genetics is not the only factor determining human intelligence, but through IQ and brain tests of 20,000 people from North America, Europe and Australia, people of European descent, more than 200 scientists from 100 organizations around the world work together to discover that the HMGA2 variant is usually in the larger brain and achieves a higher IQ.

Usually genes are composed of DNA consisting of basic chemicals such as A (adenine), C (cytosine), T (thymine) and G (guanine), combined together in different combinations with a double helix. . The HMGA2 gene variants in the smarter human brain have two C substances without T. The IQ test, people with this gene variant often get 1.3 times higher than those with genes. normal. So scientists also call it 'smart gene'.

This finding also paves the way for further research into structural changes that occur in brain disorders such as autism, dementia and schizophrenia.