A species of mice over 80 cm long and not afraid of humans has been discovered in a forest in Papua New Guinea.

From the 1932 Olympics to 2008, the world record for the men's 100m sprint was cut by 0.6 seconds thanks to technological advances and improved training techniques. If one day,

Mr. Tran Quang Thieu in Binh Vong village, Van Binh commune, Thuong Tin district, Hanoi city is famous as a rat-killing king.

Only a very small mistake, many years of planning a $ 3 million wildlife project will become worthless. Last week, a group of 18 people left Homer aboard the Reliance, heading for

The love of animals in each species has different ways of expressing emotions.

The pair of scene mice reveled in the saxophone or swaying with accodeon. They shape the instrument, flute like real artists.

Normally, the life span of a species depends heavily on its size and small organisms have a very short life cycle.

Scientists at Yale University in the US have discovered a gene that plays an important role in the development of depression.

The taste of celery is not so pleasant with the taste of many people. However, scientists have discovered that in celery ...

Researchers at Columbia University (USA) yesterday announced the discovery of a new virus lethal in South Africa.