US researchers say celery luteolin compounds reduce brain inflammation, brain aging and memory-related problems. The University of Illinois team studied the effects of luteolin on the brains and behavior of mice from 3 to 6 months and mice older than 2 years.

Celery will help you prevent dementia. (Photo:
These mice were fed a controlled diet and a luteolin supplementation regime within 4 weeks. Often older mice were more likely to develop encephalitis, and they also responded poorly. more in memory test tests.
However, the experimental results showed that older mice fed a diet supplemented with luteolin could remember things better. The level of encephalitis was also controlled to be less than that of mice from 3 to 6 months but eating in a normal diet.
From experiments conducted on mice, experts believe that patients with brain diseases can reduce the disease if they add a moderate amount of luteolin in their daily diet. And the simple way to get the necessary amount of luteolin is to regularly eat celery.