The appearance of unicorns caused a stir because it was too different

Diamond, a Brazilian bull with a unique horn growing on his forehead caused a stir by his "unicorn" appearance.

The cow has a big horn on his head like a unicorn

Unlike other bulls with two horns growing on either side of the head, this mutant cow has only one horn growing in the middle of the forehead, and the horn is particularly large and pointed.

Picture 1 of The appearance of unicorns caused a stir because it was too different
Recently the strange image of a unicorn cow named Diamond in Brazil has caused a stir.

It was the strange appearance that looked like the appearance of a legendary unicorn so Diamond was considered a unicorn . Very soon after the image of Diamond was published by the world prestigious online newspaper sites, the reputation of the cow has echoed. Many people traveled to Brazil to witness this strange unicorn cow.

Picture 2 of The appearance of unicorns caused a stir because it was too different
Diamond is born completely natural.

In particular, Diamond Brown cow is born in a completely natural way, without cross-breeding or scientific intervention.

In the past, some researchers have made an effort to create a legendary animal named unicorn, typically Dr. WF Dove, who spent many years of his life trying to create unicorns, or the unicorn cow in the early 20th century. One of the projects was successful and gave birth to a unicorn-like cow but this animal only lived for three years.

Picture 3 of The appearance of unicorns caused a stir because it was too different
Unicorn tuna "Tunicorn".

Not long ago, fishermen near Osprey Reef, Coral, off the coast of Queensland also caught a unicorn tuna with a giant horn growing from the middle of the forehead.

After the images of this tuna are famous in social media, people called it "Tunicorn" imitated the name "Unicon" as the unicorn name in the legend.