Why can stir fry a dish that can be harmful to health?

According to scientists, stir-frying a mixed dish can be harmful to health because it contaminates the indoor environment, causing danger if inhaled.

Cooking stir-fried dishes that are especially stir-fried dishes look like a healthy choice, but according to scientists, they can actually cause unhealthy things. Because it shoots micro-particles of fat into the air, it can be dangerous if inhaled.

Researchers at Texas Tech University and Utah State University heated oil in a pan and then recorded what happened when adding water.

Picture 1 of Why can stir fry a dish that can be harmful to health?
Fried food with high water content is very harmful to health.(Photo: Internet).

They found 'amazing' results when the water evaporated would cause fat to explode, causing small droplets of oil to shoot into the air, which polluted the indoor environment. And when people inhale these substances can be dangerous.

Scientists say food like chicken, or fried Chinese dishes, may be the worst culprit for spraying oil into the air because poultry and vegetables contain a large amount of water.

On The Telegraph, Professor Jeremy Marston of Taxes University of Technology said: 'We have found that very small amounts of oil droplets are released even when even a small drop of water comes into contact with hot oil. . These phenomena produce very impressive results - you can see the release exploding when water gets stuck under cooking oil, which will evaporate unexpectedly. This causes oil particles to burst and shoot out of the air. '

Scientists are currently using high-speed video to record and calculate the size and distribution of oil droplets that are fired and to see if they can cause air pollution in a kitchen with no how to ventilate

GS. Marston adds: 'We know that millions of deaths worldwide occur due to indoor air pollution, but not everyone knows the dangers in the home from cooking in an unclear kitchen. how. We are planning to conduct a detailed study to determine the amount of aerosols affecting the kitchen for indoor air pollution.

Finally, we hope that this study can guide the design of improved ventilation systems to remove microscopic fats'.

Picture 2 of Why can stir fry a dish that can be harmful to health?
Hopefully, research can improve the ventilation system to remove micro-fats into the air.(Photo: Internet).

His findings were presented during the 70th annual meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics in Denver, Colorado.