Cooking methods are harmful to health

Unhealthy cooking methods can cause food poisoning, weight gain and not provide adequate nutrients for the body.

Sometimes, all the nutrients and minerals needed for the body are lost during cooking. Therefore, you need to avoid the following cooking methods that are harmful to your health.

Deep fried rice

Picture 1 of Cooking methods are harmful to health

Deep-fried frying is one of the least healthy ways of cooking. You should avoid deep-frying food because it increases the saturated fat content of food. Fried food is the main reason for weight gain and cholesterol increase. Also, if you eat fried food outside the store, the cooking oil they fry is really unreliable, which can cause stomach infections. If you must use this cooking method, be sure to use tissue paper to soak up the oil from your food.

Charcoal grill

Barbecue is a very delicious dish. But using charcoal smoke to cook food can be harmful to health. Coal smoke can cause cancer and respiratory diseases. So you can replace charcoal grill with electric grill. This is also an environmentally friendly method because coal smoke pollutes the air. Avoid using coal because it is an unhealthy method.

Heat plastic box

Picture 2 of Cooking methods are harmful to health

Avoid using plastic containers or plastic bags to cook food in the microwave. Plastic containers also contain carcinogens that are capable of harming human health. You should not heat the plastic directly when the lid is closed. This is an unhealthy way to prepare food.

Wash vegetables

Vegetables need to be washed before cutting. Vegetable leaves accumulate a lot of dirt and chemicals. Once you have cut the vegetables, avoid washing. Minerals and nutrients are significantly lost when you wash. Wash vegetables after cutting, you can get the nutrients you need. Similarly, try not to throw away the peels of vegetables and fruits like apples, potatoes . because these foods contain a lot of nutrients.

Stir-fry food

Sautéing food is also an unhealthy cooking method like frying. Sauté foods that increase saturated fat and cholesterol. Eating regularly fried food, stir fry is not good for health.