Mistakes are harmful to health when people often cook rice

These mistakes not only reduce the nutrients of rice, but they can also make us sick.

Do not wash your hands before 'washing rice'

Picture 1 of Mistakes are harmful to health when people often cook rice

According to a study in the US, an average of 1,500 bacteria live on the palm. Imagine how insanely you use those unwashed hands to wash rice . Hand is a 'transfer point' into the body of bacteria, toxic chemicals from the environment and other contaminants due to normal contact. Therefore, remember to wash your hands before entering the kitchen to eliminate the risk of spreading the disease!

Rub rice too well

Picture 2 of Mistakes are harmful to health when people often cook rice

We often call the way of rubbing rice 'to rice' . In fact, this is the wrong way, lack of science and the cloudy water contains the most nutrients. According to experts, rubbing rice has accidentally removed a large amount of vitamins and minerals outside the grain. Making rice grains remains only the core of starch which lacks glucid, protein, lipid, minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B6 . Nutrition experts recommend that you should only "wash rice" by: for rice In the saucepan, the pot and then lighten and decant the water to eliminate rice husk, grit . only.

Cook rice with cold water

When cooking rice with cold water, the grain will swell, the nutrients follow it to dissolve in the water. If cooking rice with boiling water, the outer layer of the rice grain shrinks, creating a protective layer of rice grain without cracking or breaking. So, quit the habit of cooking rice with cold water and replace it with boiling water to help the fragrant rice seeds as well as retain the nutrients!