Instructions on how to preserve cold rice so that it is not harmful to health

In rice, Bacillus cereus spores are easy to grow into bacteria, guys.

For many people, eating cold meals is quite popular. Many people believe that the warming of cold rice will cause poisoning, not good for health.

However, BusinessInsider recently cited comments from the UK National Health Service (NHS) - pointing out that the problem is not where you warm up the rice, but the rice is cooked by you. Excess after the first cooking is not correct, causing harm to the body.

Picture 1 of Instructions on how to preserve cold rice so that it is not harmful to health
The longer the rice is at room temperature, the more susceptible to staining and the risk of poisoning.

Specifically, raw rice usually contains spores (fast reproductive cells) called Bacillus cereus.

This Bacillus cereus bacteria can cause food poisoning and excess survival when rice is cooked into rice.

If cooked after being cooked again at room temperature, these Bacillus cereus spores can grow into bacteria. They multiply quickly and produce toxins - enough to cause poisoning and diarrhea for users.

The longer the rice is at room temperature, the more susceptible to staining and the risk of poisoning. So you need to learn how to store rice properly.

So how do we do it?

First, eat rice as soon as it is cooked and cool the leftover rice as quickly as possible.

Experts at NHS recommend that you leave the rice at room temperature for 1 hour to cool down the rice, then put in a clean, sealed container and keep it refrigerated in the refrigerator. Note, you should not let rice cool for more than 1 day in the refrigerator before warming it up.

Picture 2 of Instructions on how to preserve cold rice so that it is not harmful to health
Do not let the rice cool for more than 1 day in the refrigerator before reheating.

You need to check whether the rice is hot enough after reheating and that each piece of cold rice should not be reheated many times, it is best to stop at only 1.

However, it is best to try to balance to cook a sufficient amount of rice, to avoid excess rice to the next day because everyone wants to eat new and cooked rice - right?