10 principles of eating help 'stay away from cancer'

About 90% of cancers are caused by the external environment. In which, about 40% related to eating habits, food spices and cooking methods; 30% is related to living habits, especially smoking, drinking .

Nutrition habits, healthy lifestyle will determine the ability to 'fight' with the penetration of cancer into the body:

1. Diversify food

When cooking must pay attention to a variety of food, take host food, plant foods should account for more than 2/3 of each meal. Plant foods are foods that contain green vegetables, fruits, beans and cereals.

2. Control body weight

Body weight should be too heavy or too light, adults need to control body weight not exceeding 5kg compared to standard; too heavy or too fat easily lead to endometrial cancer, kidney cancer, and intestinal cancer.

3. Do not eat burnt and baked food

When grilling fish, grilling meat should avoid burning, the food using fried fat should be used less, it is best to eat boiled, steamed and fried foods.

4. Eat more starchy foods

Each day eat about 600-800g of cereals, beans, plants . the less the reduction, the better. Starch in food has the effect of preventing rectal cancer and cancer of intestinal adhesion. Food with high Cen-lu-lo has the ability to prevent prostate cancer, breast cancer, intestinal cancer and rectal cancer.

Picture 1 of 10 principles of eating help 'stay away from cancer'

5. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables

Persistently eating about 400-800g of green vegetables and fruits every day, can make the risk of cancer reduced by 20%. Eat 5 types or 5 fruits and fruits daily.

6. Don't drink too much alcohol

If drinking alcohol, each day should not exceed 1 cup (equivalent to 250ml of beer, 100ml of wine and 25ml of white wine). Regularly drinking alcohol increases the risk of esophageal cancer, throat cancer and oral cancer.

7. Reduce eating red meat

Every day should control the tolerance of red meat under 90g, it is best to eat fish and poultry instead. Eating a lot of red meat will increase the risk of colorectal cancer and colon adenocarcinoma, and should limit the tolerance of high fat foods, especially animal fat, so choose oil plants (eg olive oil).

8. Limit salt and spices

Limit the use of salt and spices and eat less high salt foods because they can increase the incidence of stomach cancer. The World Health Organization recommends that daily intake of salt should be less than 6g / person.

9. Do not eat stored food for too long

Do not eat foods kept for too long at room temperature, because these foods may have been contaminated with the bacteria.

10. Persistently practicing an appropriate sport

Every day, you should persistently practice 40-60 minutes, you can choose to run a jog or an appropriate sport, if you persevere, you will improve your resistance and prevent cancer.