Discover a unique sheep

The sheep has a funny name Peanut - peanuts - owned by a farm in Bristol (England) has been making the boys excited by the special appearance.

Peanut is a breed of Jacob, which will grow 4-6 new horns throughout its life. But in 16-year-old Peanut, during a play with the children, this sheep was broken horn and as a strange thing, Peanut has since grown only one horn in the middle of the forehead.

Picture 1 of Discover a unique sheep
Peanut sheep has only one horn.

Many children who visited the farm shouted that Peanut was a unicorn - an animal that only appeared in Western fairy tales.

The accident of an unexpected baby horn has completely changed the life of this sheep, making it now the central character of many tours here.

Picture 2 of Discover a unique sheep
Close-up of the unique horn of Peanut sheep.

Charlie Tucker, 85, a peanut breeder from a young age, said: "Because Peanut has only one horn, all the children who come here play just want to witness" real "unicorn".

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Picture 4 of Discover a unique sheep
Peanut and boss Charlie Tucker.

It seems that this sheep doesn't have any problems with her strange appearance. But now old, Peanut sheep is being cared for like a pet, not for the annual harvest of this farm.