The 'Black Moon' phenomenon will take place tonight

On July 31, the Earth will see a rare phenomenon called the Black Moon . This astronomical event will be witnessed in North America, marking its first appearance since 2016.

The rest of the Earth will see the Black Moon on August 30 , Fox News station said.

Picture 1 of The 'Black Moon' phenomenon will take place tonight
This astronomical event will be witnessed in North America.(Photo: Fox News).

There is no specific definition of the Black Moon phenomenon . It is often used to call a new moon for the second time of the month. This rarely happens outside the leap year, because the lunar cycle takes about 29 days to complete.

However, every 32 months, there will be two full moons in a month, with the first full moon being called the Blue Moon.

This moon cannot be seen because now sunlight shines on the part of the moon that we cannot observe. However, according to , 'the influence of the gravity of the new moon on the tide can be seen in the coming days by people near the coast.'

This black moon will also be a super moon. That means that the new moon occurs at the point where the moon is closest to Earth in its monthly orbit.