The British army can be invisible on the battlefield thanks to new technology

The British army tested an invisibility cloak similar to the Harry Potter film, which would allow soldiers to disguise while fighting.

Soldiers in the 3rd Battalion The Rifles participated in the test of a new high-tech camouflage material called Vatec . Vatec can help soldiers disappear from the enemy's sights . This " invisibility cloak " could even help them avoid the scanning of infrared cameras and thermal sensors.

Picture 1 of The British army can be invisible on the battlefield thanks to new technology
Stealth camouflage technology.

The British sniper was able to use these " invisibility cloaks " to set up stealth boots on the battlefield. The current " invisibility cloak " could be used for military combat campaigns.

Vatec " invisibility cloak " can be produced in many shapes to be used in hilly terrain. Currently the British military is urging the British government to invest in this "unique" camouflage.

Battalion sharpener The Rifles 3 Corporal Tyrone Hoole in an interview with Mail on Sunday said: " This shirt is really a great combat support tool, military soldiers like us are "We are looking forward to buying this technology from the country's military. Instead of using complicated and heavy camouflage tools, we only need one Vatec shirt now. "

Soldiers in the Vatec shirt trial at the US Army Combat Technology Testing Center said they were not detected by other soldiers even when they used heat sensors and pink camera equipment. foreign.

Picture 2 of The British army can be invisible on the battlefield thanks to new technology
This invisibility cloak helps soldiers to escape the enemy's sights.

There are still advanced camouflage technologies being developed and expected to be released in the battlefield in five years.

Scientists are gradually simulating how colors change and slip into the surroundings to avoid predators of mollusks like octopus or squid .

Research steps have been taken to reproduce this camouflage process of molluscs, scientists using advanced materials that contain thousands of tiny cells inside. These tiny cells can recognize colors in their surroundings.

The electrical signals will reproduce those colors with heat fibers and perform color changes according to the simulated colors, this thermal color change process takes only a few seconds.

This camouflage technology was first developed by the University of Illinois and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), then applied by the military to do camouflage on the battlefield.

Professor Xuanhe Zhao, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, talks about this camouflage technology: " I really hope our technology will be used in military camouflage. The military now consumes goods. million USD to research new camouflage methods without many creative innovations, our technology will help military soldiers camouflage quickly including the surrounding environment of mountains or deserts. "