The bugs that are swallowed by the enemy still escape thanks to special weapons

When in danger, the beetle can blast powerful "chemical bombs" that force the enemy to "raise the white flag".

With a long, dangerous tongue, frogs and frogs are often not difficult to catch insects. However, this time they faced a formidable opponent.

The war between toads and bugs explodes.

It is the "bomb" bug (Pheropsophus jessoensis) , which lives in every part of the world, concentrated in Africa and Asia but not at the poles.

This bug is actually a "terrorist" in nature because it can detonate extremely powerful chemical bombs when it feels dangerous.

It is estimated that the chemical in the bomb can generate up to 100 degrees Celsius of heat, which can repel most enemies.

The bombs contained two types of hydroquinone and hydro peroxide chemicals located in two cavities in the abdomen but did not affect the beetles because they contained a separate inhibitory mechanism.

Picture 1 of The bugs that are swallowed by the enemy still escape thanks to special weapons
Scientists' tease the bug's bomb exploding - (Photo: Charles A. Hedgcock).

When feeling dangerous and needing to detonate a bomb, the bug will guide the two chemicals into a separate third chamber containing water and an enzyme that neutralizes the inhibitor. At the same time, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide meet to form toxic benzoquinone .

This toxin is then fired into a heated poison that creates a strong pressure that unlocks the escape valve in the cavity with extreme force. The poison flew in front of the enemy, helping to chase away the enemy or at least the bomb explosion also had time to escape.

Usually animals in general and bomb blasts will defend against being eaten, but what will they do when they are put in their mouths by the enemy?

Recently, to examine the power of "biological bombs" in the enemy's own body, scientists captured the beetles that bombed in central Japan, then preyed on two species of universal toads. turn in this country.

Picture 2 of The bugs that are swallowed by the enemy still escape thanks to special weapons
This is the 'terrorist' in nature - (Photo: Shutterstock).

As a result, after being swallowed into the stomach of two Japanese toad species, the bug exploded and the force of the bomb forced to vomit out after only a few seconds.

43% of toads had to vomit after eating. The "terrorist warriors" after returning from the dead can still walk normally even if they can be drowned in a "tangle" of liquid in the stomach that has been for hours.

However, scientists believe that whether bombs can survive depends on whether they still have bombs and more or less.

If the bugs have used too many bombs before, they will surely die when they are swallowed.

This interesting experiment is published by scientists on Biology Letters.