The cat is double-sided

A cat was born in the United States with two faces and 24 toes, but it only lasted a few dozen hours.

Picture 1 of The cat is double-sided
Gemini cat with two faces and four eyes.

Gemini, the name of the cat, was born with four other cats on July 11 in the city of Providence, the capital of Rhode Island state, USA. It has black fur, two sides, two ears, two mouths, four eyes and 24 toes, NBC reported.

Gemini's owners say it has two airways, but they all lead into one mouth. They have to give the cat milk, because it eats very slowly. The cat died on July 13.

Ernest Finocchio, president of the Rhode Island State Animal Abuse Prevention Association, said he had never seen a double-sided cat. According to him, Gemini is made up of two fetuses, but for some reason the two individuals are not separated.