The clean air will soon have to buy with money, making the rich and poor differentiation clear

The rich will enjoy better air quality, while the popular and working classes will suffer from diseases. That is the immediate reality that many cities are facing.

The Cordis Hotel in Shanghai has been crowded in recent years, all thanks to the high quality of this hotel. Cordis has a dual air filter with air purification capability for the entire hotel. All 396 rooms in the hotel have a screen to check the air pollution level.

Obviously, being able to breathe fresh air in big and polluted cities like Shanghai is like a "precious gift". But admittedly, it is air pollution that is accelerating the divide between rich and poor in society faster than ever.

At that time, people with money will enjoy better quality and purity, while the average class will struggle in dust, air pollution and dozens of other dangerous diseases.

Picture 1 of The clean air will soon have to buy with money, making the rich and poor differentiation clear
Air pollution causes an early death of nearly 7 million people every year.

According to Wonderful Engineering, WHO has quantified the effects of air pollution on human health in 2014. The results show,

The main deaths are and . Governments in many big cities and cities have tried to solve the problem of pollution, but everything seems too serious and out of control. Even the Chinese government has taken strong measures to protect the population against health risks, especially young children.

Seizing this opportunity, many private companies have quickly entered and pushed up the price of clean air to earn profits in the environmental crisis. Expensive schools, middle and upper-class children 's places have quickly installed air cleaning systems. Or as Cordis hotel and many other forms of private service also race to attract customers with the guise of "clean air".

John O'Shea, Cordis' CEO, said: "I used to think about the time when we had to pay to use the Internet . The atmosphere in the home is similar. If you can't guarantee air quality better than the competition, it is considered that you lose ".

In many parts of the world, wealth and prosperity are converted by human health. Being unable to pay for medical care too high also means you are not a rich person. You cannot cure cancer or diabetes. This inadvertently creates class division in extremely serious society.

Countries are continuing efforts to clean the air. However, it will take a lot of time, air quality in big cities can be normal again. Meanwhile, people who do not have access to clean air in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, etc. will continue to be victims of many diseases such as lung cancer, asthma or heart failure.