The crisis of blood donors is gradually approaching

Danh Phuong

The figures estimate that the number of people who can donate blood is reduced by 1/3, meaning that blood banks may have to work more actively to receive blood donors, a new study has been reported this week.

The study was published in Transfusion , a newspaper of the American Blood Bank Association, which estimates that less than 66 million people are eligible to donate blood - only about 37% of the US population.

'The traditional method of calculating the number of people to donate blood shows that approximately 177 million people are qualified to donate blood in the population of the United States,' said Jeffrey McCullough, a University professor at the Minnesota School of Public Health. and is a blood banking expert. 'Research shows that only 111 million individuals in the US are eligible to donate blood.'

"Traditional methods of estimation are for age only, people over 17 years old are determined to be able to donate blood , " McCullough said. "But the more accurate of the other factors, including those who are traveling, are sick, have recently invaded or are being treated with drugs."

The study uses the standards of the American Blood Bank Association to identify those who qualify for blood donation.

Picture 1 of The crisis of blood donors is gradually approaching McCullough told the United States News Agency: 'The main point to say here is because there are almost no people willing to be potential blood donors as we thought before,' voices coming in 'towards those. people who are almost perceived as diminishing supplies of blood are much less than they have been recognized. '

McCullough said: 'It will be the responsibility of blood donation organizations to become more creative in their approach to potential blood donors.'

Currently, the blood supply satisfies all the needs of patients. But there are some cases or in many parts of the United States blood supply is depleted to a very serious level. Sometimes surgeries are postponed due to lack of blood

McCullough said, his team will determine who is more qualified to donate blood and who gets this information set by blood banking institutions.

Blood donation organizations should promote new recruitment methods to encourage those who are not yet donating blood to think about donating blood.

McCullough said: 'Our population changes throughout the decade, so these new methods will be essential because the number of qualified donors continues to decline. "

Artificial blood has been developing , and hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into this effort, but success has not given us much promise . Moreover, these artificial blood products use red blood cells, so there is no way to avoid the need for blood.

Paying for blood donors are principles that are contrary to global morality. In addition, studies around the world show that giving money in the process of donating blood draws people to give blood a higher risk of disease transmission. So this will reduce the safety of blood.

"In the summer, the blood supply drops , " Stephanie Millian, a US Red Cross spokesman, told the US news agency.

Ba said: 'During the summer months and holidays, the number of people willing to donate less blood. Students are a sizable supply of blood, but in the summer they often travel with their families'.