The culprit makes women cry

Professor Vingerhoets - a psychologist, a leading researcher of crying, is based at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, pointing out why women often cry more than men.

Picture 1 of The culprit makes women cry

However, it seems that both sexes cry equally at major events in life, such as losing a loved one.

Studies have also shown that men often cry at positive events, while women cry when faced with negativity in life.

This is attributed to hormonal differences. According to Professor Vingerhoets: "The hormones in women crying are prolactin (milk gland stimulating hormone) . The level of the increase in hormones is only before and during crying." Some experts say it increases empathy in observations - interesting associations. Research has shown that prolactin increased during pregnancy and remained high in the weeks after birth. This may explain why the pregnant woman is angry and someone cried a lot during her pregnancy. However, others argue that prolactin can also increase feelings of loneliness for people who cry.

When it comes to men, Professor Vingerhoets explains that hormones can limit their tears.'Recent research shows that testosterone can actually inhibit crying - and this is why men cry less than women' . But the level of testosterone decreases with age in the eyebrow. The researchers noted this when they observed that some men cried more often when they were older and more mature.