Air pollution makes women dumb

Scientists from Rush University Medical Center have demonstrated that exposure in the atmosphere contains many pollutants that will occur the intellectual decline of adults, especially in women. The results were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The study, done for four consecutive years, has shown that if women are constantly exposed to high levels of polluted atmosphere, their cognitive ability is significantly reduced. The more dirty the air is, the faster the level of intellectual decline in them will be.

Picture 1 of Air pollution makes women dumb
Air pollution greatly affects intellectual ability in women. (Illustration)

Dirty air is the air that accumulates many small particles less than 2.5 microns in size, 1/30 of the thickness of a hair. Particles of 2.5 to 10 microns are considered large particles. Scientists have repeatedly conducted similar studies on the relationship between air pollution and mental activity, but this is the first time they have investigated the change in pollution levels. to cognitive function over time through specific measurements.

Jennifer Weuve, professor at Rush University and colleagues studied the relationship between dirty air (including small particles and large particles) and intellectual decline in older women with greed. The majority of women (up to 19,409 people) are aged between 70 and 81, for a period of 14 years, from 1988 to the end of 2012.

The particles contaminate the air causing many harms. They increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cause the appearance or acceleration of confusion in the elderly.

Professor Weuve said: 'Therefore, if our research has confirmed the relationship between dirty air and intellectual decline in people in general and older women in particular, it will come to the end. The argument is that overcoming air pollution is the most effective way to minimize the risk of developing human memory and memory damage, even signs of mental illness among the population ' .